Title: Phonathon Caller

Contact: Anna Lenney

First year students eligible: No

Position Time Frame: Academic Year 2020-2021

Last Updated: March 16 2022 - 21:03 PM


Phonathon students are an essential part of our annual fundraising efforts. You are frontline fundraisers for the College of the Holy Cross, and your work helps the College to continue to be a national leader for alumni participation, ranking in the U.S. News & World report list of top 10 colleges and universities in the Country. As a Phonathon Caller, you will be an ambassador and personal representative of Holy Cross, our programs, and primarily the Annual Fund. Your main responsibilities are to steward and thank donors, solicit financial support for the College, maintain accurate contact information, cultivate new relationships with alumni and parents, and build on existing ones.

A phonathon caller may need to respond to questions and provide information about the state of the College during phone calls. It is your job to keep the conversation going citing experiences as a current student in a positive manner.

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